OtekCloud is proud to offer exciting environmental benefits through our state-of-the-art OTEK ozone laundry systems. With over 1,000 OTEK systems installed around the world, our sustainable laundry systems have proven incredibly efficient and eco-friendly.
Are Ozone Laundry Systems Safe in America?
Are ozone laundry systems safe? Ozone is a naturally occurring form of oxygen and a safe and effective method of disinfection and deodorisation. Rigorous microbiological testing with leading Australian laboratory Silliker Microtech® confirmed OTEK’s reduction in bacteria meets the AS4146-2000 laundry standard. Keep in mind, ozone is present in the air we breathe, and the standard industry concentration is safe with minimal health risks.

How Eco-Friendly Ozone Laundry Technology Works
Our sustainable laundry solutions capitalise on ozone’s natural activity. By breaking the molecular bonds of inorganic and organic compounds, ozone efficiently eliminates odours from soiled linens, which is especially useful in healthcare, hotel, and aged care facilities. Not only is ozone used for commercial laundry disinfection, but also for air quality improvements in workspaces and swimming pool treatment.
Advantages of Eco-Friendly OTEK Laundry Systems
Investing in OTEK laundry solutions provides many environmental benefits, starting with significant water reductions of up to 40%. You can save a precious resource through cold water washing, reducing energy use by up to 90% to minimise your carbon footprint, and make your business more sustainable. Plus, OTEK reduces dryer gas use by up to 40%, with average reductions of 10 – 20 minutes per cycle.
Why OTEK Laundry is Better for the Environment
With OTEK, there are fewer chemicals overall in the drain and wastewater. Less water from fewer rinses with cold water, produces cleaner waste effluent and more oxygen to support microorganisms as they break down pollutants. That’s why OTEK is better for the environment, because the ozone is produced on site, and thus, no safety problems associated with shipping and handling can occur.
Also, ozone is a 100% green, naturally occurring gas. OTEK creates ozone using ultraviolet light, the same way as in nature. Any unused ozone quickly reverts back to oxygen or dissolves in the water to help with pollution breakdown.
Safe Ozone Laundry Technology
OTEK systems changed the industry of ozone technology and took away the fear surrounding ozone. The system used by Otekcloud produces very small quantities of ozone, which are used up in the wash cycle. This means that hardly any residual ozone if left post-wash! The Heggies report confirms this with their scientific data, not to mention, one of our very own customers organised a test on this process and the findings concluded that there was more ozone outside, than in the laundry after use.
Contact Ozone Technologies to Explore OTEK Laundry Solutions
If you’re interested in sustainable laundry solutions that are better for the environment and your budget, then OTEK machines from OtekCloud are the way to go. We’re pleased to provide the best environment, disinfection, and financial benefits with ozone laundry in America. Call us on 1(512)648-4025 or book your free OTEK demo online.